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    Re: [RC] King of What??? - Barbara McCrary

    I recall many of us agreeing that it was important for the individual
    posting a message to identify him or herself, and that hiding behind
    anonymity was not acceptable.
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Ridecamp Guest" <guest@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 8:31 PM
    Subject: [RC] King of What???
    > horsesofcourses horsesofcourses@xxxxxxxxxxxx
    > AERC Is still King and will be for a long time??? The sport of endurance
    RACING is what is heading to the olympics, and AERC has done everything it
    can to make it clear it doesn't want to join.  And that is fine, I think
    AERC should remain in place to serve the riders who want to continue to keep
    the pasttime of endurance riding small and more of a backyard fun weekend.
    Make no mistake about it,  AERC has lost its position in the USA and the
    world for the top riders, it is just a matter of time before another
    "entity" emerges in the USA to take over as the controlling organization of
    the sport of endurance racing.  And it ain't gonna be AERC I can promise you
    that!  Watch, and you shall see, one and then another top events will go
    forward without AERC sanctioning.  How many horses died at FEI events last
    year?  How many at AERC rides?  Collect the facts and you will see that your
    fear that RACING will destroy the sport is quite the opposite, it has
    actually brought  more fit horses to the trail, you can listen to the rumors
    all you want about how fast they go, but go in person and see that these
    horses are lookin' good at the finish, better than alot of the USA horses at
    endurance "rides" I've been to. I think FEI is getting tired of the battle
    with the narrow focus of AERC, so I'll buy everyone a cup of coffee this
    time next year if we don't see the FEI go to another group to handle the FEI
    endurance races and AERC will be left out, but apparently that is what all
    ya'll want  right, for those "racers" to leave us alone?  Well, good
    buddies, that is exactly what they are planning to do I am sure, but they
    aren't going to leave the sport alone, just AERC.
    >  Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
    >  Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp
     Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net.
     Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp