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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:18 GMT 2003
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    RE: [RC] pre-newbie; ridecamp@endurance.net - Tami Bourassa

    Not to worry Howard, I hang out with bunch of old bush men from the BackCountry Horsemen of BC, Canada that is.  I know about exaggeration.  The BCHBC speed is pretty laid back and slow, but endurance sounds kinda hyped and fast.  We'll see...
    The pre-newbie

    I am heading out this weekend to volunteer at my first endurance ride.
    Anything from the riders point of view I should know?  I don't know what job
    I will have yet, something at the vet checks though.  I hope to do my first
    ride in July but listeneing to some of you talk, I've gone from excited to a
    little scared.  We'll see after this weekend.


    I'm sorry that Ridecamp has scared you, and if any of it came from me I am doubly sorry.  You have to remember this is the Internet.  Folks tend to exaggerate, exasperate, and over contemplate (I'm starting to sound like Karl) on Ridecamp.  Don't let any of it scare you, because the scariest thing about endurance is the drive on our highways to the ride and back; it's not normally the ride itself.


    Howard (geez, fella, watch what you say, you don't want to scare off these wimmen)