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    Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] [RC] Born to Trot? - Tamara Woodcock

    Right about the tuck and flex thing. Backs have so much to do with a good walk... And I agree that length of leg has nothing to do with it. The gelding I have that won't "walk out" like I would like, is very leggy (length of leg more than body depth). But also a bit long in back, so can't round up as easy... He has good self carriage under saddle, but true collection is hard for him...

    Balanced build is so important!!!


    From: "Heidi Smith" <heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Reply-To: "Heidi Smith" <heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    To: "Sullivan" <greymare@xxxxxxx>, "Tamara Woodcock" <plasmatica@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <tprevatt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    CC: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Born to Trot?
    Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:43:24 -0600

    > I am curious if there is any correlation between a just great, long walk
    > at least a foot overreach in a baby.....and how they will travel as
    > I bought a 5 week old filly based on this long walk.....now, at age 3, I
    > just don't see it.  The legs are still long!

    In my experience, babies pretty much all have an overreach--so no, there
    isn't much correlation. At that age, they are all legs with extremely short
    little bodies (relatively) and biomechanically, they'd really have to be
    poking NOT to have an overreach. I do think you can start to see them sort
    out by the time they are yearlings.

    I also don't see much correlation between long legs in the adult and an
    overreach. The best walking horses I've had have all been very
    proportionate (the height being close to 50% body depth and 50% leg, and the
    body being quite close to the 3-circle ideal), and the ability to overreach
    is determined by the ability of the back to round and the pelvis and loin to
    properly tuck and flex. The good walkers really get under themselves, and
    are very light in the front end.


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