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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:21 GMT 2003
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    Re: [RC] New Rig - Tara Wheeler

    When I first switched over from bumperpull to gooseneck, I remember getting
    all hooked up for the first time at the dealers and the dealer asking me if
    I wanted them to take off the tailgate of my truck.
    Nope, says I, it won't be a problem.
    The dealer laughs and predicts that within a week of pulling that trailer
    I'll have dinged my tailgate.
    I laugh and drive home.
    So, I have this absolutely white knuckled drive home, being coached over the
    cell phone the whole time by my very supportive (and innocent in the way of
    goosenecks) husband.
    Now, to get to my home, you must cross a very steep railroad crossing.
    We're talking at least a 45 degree slope (and probably closer to 90).
    Anyhoo, I point my truck at the sky and head up.
    I pull up to the house, my heart thundering in my chest, convinced I've just
    ruined my brand-new trailer.
    Munched the tailgate.
    Very supportive husband tells me it's all right, takes off the tailgate and
    we load up barrels and set out for the local supermarket's big lighted
    parking lot (it's now after dark).
    Now to get out of the property, you must go over the same RR crossing, only
    now, you must turn left as you go up the slope.  I'm thinking 'we took off
    the tailgate, we're set!'
    I stop on the RR tracks and my husband yells 'don't stop here!  Keep going!'
    I drive to the supermarket now totally convinced that I've munched both
    trailer and truck.
    We stopped at the local Wal-Mart (nearest place we could safely stop to have
    a look without getting hit) to survey the damage.  I folded down the
    driver's side panel about a half a foot when the main front support of the
    trailer's nose came across it.  My husband (god love him) went into the
    Wal-Mart, bought a pipe wrench and raised the nose slightly by adjusting
    these huge screws in the hitch.
    Now I can come and go without ripping up my truck.
    There's not a scratch on my trailer.  I love steel trailers!!!
    So, we sent out for pizza (which was delivered to the white and teal horse
    trailer being pulled around in circles in the HEB parking lot) and spent a
    very happy two hours practicing turns around the barrels approximating gas
    station pumps and trees and I've had no problems since.
    It's been pre-disastered!!  :)
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