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Current to Wed Jul 23 17:26:21 GMT 2003
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    [RC] leadless ponying - Colleen Evans

    Howdy all,

    Yesterday I decided to take Polaris my now 16 year old horse (His Birthday was on wednesday!!) with me and Ozzy. I have just been so busy conditioning Ozzy that I just havent had time to ride Polaris........I had Polaris on a lead at first but then when we got out in the desert I decided well if he wants to fallow us he will...... He did fallow like a big dog....I have never seen him have so much fun sence I retired him from endurance.... He would stop to eat where he wanted then trot up the trail to join me and Ozzy again.....It was good to have Ozzy get use to another horse trot or canter from behind him....The only thing I had on Polaris was  a halter and that was it he fallowed us the whole way!!! When Ozzy trotted out he trotted out right next to us. Never bucked at us or anything....So I'm going to start taking Polaris out with us more so he can  keep in shape to!!! I was really happy to see him having so much fun!!!

    Have any of you ever tired this??

    Happy Trails

    Colleen K. & Polaris( Woo Hoo I can eat when I want on the trail now!!) Ozzy( Mom why does Polaris get to do that and I cant???)

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