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RE: Respect for Howard? Nah.

No I have not lost it . Please revert to basic logics and analyze the
statement and you will see what I am get at.  Females and logic is what it
is all about. Give the analysis about thirty minutes while you listen to
some abstract music and it will all come clear.


-----Original Message-----
From: Truman Prevatt, PhD []
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 6:59 PM
To: Bob Morris
Cc: C. Eyler;
Subject: Re: Respect for Howard? Nah.

Hold on Bob, you are not talking about females and logic in the same
are you? Bob, have you completely lost it?!!!!!!!!


Bob Morris wrote:

> Truman you just do not appreciate female logic. Sit back and take your
> apply the basic tenets of logic and you will realize that the phrase is
> entirely correct.
> Bob

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