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Fwd: RC: Ride Management

In a message dated 2/23/01 5:33:36 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

If vets are so difficult to contract, why would Michelle tell a qualified
who attempted to help with the ride manager's blessing that THEY didn't
their help?

At the risk of ticking off 'someone', after HEARING this exchange, I asked
this question as well. I thought as I stood there with a horse in hand, are
you KIDDING??? We waited for a half hour for a vet to even show up there to
vet in our horse, and indeed, there were too few vets to even conduct a vet
check at the first stop for the LD riders. In addition to the obvious
problems with such a statement was the attitude with which it as delivered -
condescending and arrogant. Shameful. I was there. I heard it. It was rude,
untrue and out of line - unprofessional. Never having been exposed to this
kind of attitude on the part of a vet, I was fairly shocked. If OUR vet - or
any member of our staff behaved like that, I would be vet shopping before

I didn't bring this up, but it has been on my mind. I personally don't care
if a vet is the best darned vet on the face of the earth (I won't even GO
THERE in this case); I was embarrassed for the vet in question, the vet who
was insulted and hurt, and also for the RM for sporting support foe such a
person. Sorry but it was rude and unprofessional. I was there.

---- Begin included message ----
If vets are so difficult to contract, why would Michelle tell a qualified vet 
who attempted to help with the ride manager's blessing that THEY didn't need  
their help? Donna and BOB

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---- End included message ----

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