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Re: RC: What is "kewl"?

 >> I'm sure Angie could shed a little light....

Since I'm now teaching grades 9-12 I am more than aware what's
"kewl"....and for those of you who don't get access to the training I
get, the *latest* opposite of "Kewl" is "gay".  Had me really confused
for awhile.  Thought they were talking sexuality but it had nothing to do
with that.  If a 40 year old like me tries to act "kewl" it's gay. >g< 
To keep this endurance related, they think it's pretty kewl that I only
take sick days to do endurance rides.  Teachers who take work too
seriously are gay. >g< Now, all you people who go to the convention...I
want you to get "G'd" up and have a good time gettin' krunked a the
dance.  :-)

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