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Australian Horse Boots


I've been looking at the website for "Old Macs Boots" that are
protective boots for horses during riding. They cannot be used over
shoes for riding (only transporting), but can be used for barefoot
endurance horses and are touted as such. The website looks very
promising. However I was wondering if anyone out there, anywhere, has
any personal first hand knowledge of these boots. They say they don't
come off, ever, during any kind of extreme riding (and have testimonials
to back it up) and only take a minute to put on and seconds to take off.
Perfect for my barefoot horse on rocky portions of a trail.

How about it? Anybody down under know anything, or anybody here in the
good ol' U.S. of A? Or anyone in Europe?

Toni Jones & Shagya O'Biwon
Central Oregon

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