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fitting easyboots

I figured out how to put on easyboots too, and if I can anyone can.  I learned by reading Karen's instruction page.  Thankyou Karen!!!  A lot of us would be stuck without your help!  My problem is getting a good fit on my POA's small hooves.  They are short front to back, and also in the length of the wall.  I cut them down above the buckle as far as possible, but the boots are still  up by her hair line.  Her back ones are the worst and the boots eventually made her sore.  I contacted Easycare and they were very helpful.  They are sending me a shorter heel strap to try (all my adjustments are as small as possible, but the boots still aren't quite tight enough.)  They also suggested putting in a pad of thick carpet to raise up the foot.  Does anyone have any other suggestions?  My pony is really sensitive to hard ground and the easyboots work great for her.
Linda Dewees

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