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Fw: Thanks for writing to HorseTV! (was Re: Horse-TV)

Apologies in advance if you have received this from another source. Let's support this if
we can
9409 on Dish Network Small Digital dish programming.

: Hello!
: To everyone who has written to us at HorseTV, let me just say that we have
: been overwhelmed with the response from the horse people in this country.
: It has given us great joy to know that so many people appreciate and enjoy
: the equestrian programming that we are helping to bring to television. Our
: company is owned by family members who have spent the last 27 years working
: to get horses on television -- and this time we think we've finally got it
: done!
: To those of you who have not received a direct reply to a specific question
: or comment, please know that we read each and every one of the emails which
: are sent to us, and do our very best to respond as soon as possible if you
: ask a specific question or have an inquiry.  Sometimes it is literally
: impossible to individually answer all of the emails received in a given day
: -- there are simply not enough hours or fingers available to type a reply.
: Programming suggestions are carefully read and categorized, and if you have
: taken the time to give us contact information, please know that we WILL
: follow up.
: We recognize that some of our initial programming has been dated, and we
: will be continuing to improve and expand our programming -- (as you
: undoubtedly have seen in the last week or two) -- but we do feel that some
: of these topics truly are timeless and bring entertainment and information
: to those who never had the opportunity to view some of these programs. As a
: general rule, only one out of every ten or so comments are in any way
: negative about some of the older programming. And, it WILL get better and
: more current!
: We will begin production of our own original programming this Spring, and
: hope to be traveling the country visiting and covering some of the most
: interesting and exciting equestrian events -- from little local shows to
: the major breed championships.
: Our company provides all the equestrian programming (HorseTV) to RFDTV, and
: we are happy that the wonderful people behind this new network understand
: and appreciate how long horse people have longed for programming they can
: call their own.
: Now's our chance . . . you and us . . . to provide a voice for the horse
: industry through our programming.  We want to cover shows and events, club
: meetings and conventions -- help to teach and inform people about all the
: wonderful things that exist in our world of horses.
: You can help in the following ways:  Help spread the word -- we'll stay on
: for a long time if there are lots of viewers(!) -- and tell the companies
: you buy from and deal with that they can provide help by underwriting
: HorseTV programming in the same way that companies and individuals support
: PBS. Ask them to contact us . . . we need their support. Write your local
: papers and magazines and organizations -- tell THEM about HorseTV on RFD,
: too! And if you know someone who might be interested in helping out
: investment wise, even on a small scale, have them give me a shout. We've
: got lots of things we want to do!
: We'll keep in touch and hope you will too. Once again, thank you for your
: support and encouragement.
: Best regards,
: Sally Lasater
: The Tanbark Group, LLC
: 2136 Wirtcrest
: Houston, TX  77055
: 713.812.1242
: fax 713.857.4170
: <>

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