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Nutrition question

I was directed to you because you are so good on nutrition questions and
so I am going to ask a question.

I have a 9 month old Paint colt, he started to show signs of epithisitis
so we backed his protein content down to 10% (and the barn I moved him to
fed that as their norm) but now my vet has recommended putting him on
Equine Junior.

The problem is that my barn owner refuses to give him *special feed* barns
in my area are either too expensive or have waiting lists and while I will
look for a new barn I need a solution for the here and now.

She has agreed to feed a supplement or I can give him a midday snack when
I go to work him.

What would any of you suggest to give him the added protein he needs.  He
also gets a very nice quality grass hay as well as 12 pounds of 10% sweet

I appreciate any advice!!! Jodie

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