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grain- too much? not enough? -long

 My sister's arab is 15 hands, and 19 years old.
She is now in college, so I'm responsible for
feeding him and exercising him. I also ride my
horse, so my sister's horse is only ridden half
as much as when she was here. She feeds him 4
pounds of Manna Pro Senior at night with 3 large
flakes of hay, and 4 pounds again in the morning
with just 1 flake of hay. He is at a good healthy
weight right now.. I say he's a little over
weight, she doesn't agree. She wants me to
increase his food one pound because it's getting
colder. I think this seems like way too much
grain to be eating at one time, especially since
he is only being exercised half as much. Is this
too much? or does that sound about right? I've
been trying to read about feeding, and types of
feed, and what they do.. but it's getting pretty
confusing. I would think it would be better to
give him extra hay in the winter rather then
grain... but I just am not sure.
My horse is 13 years old, and 15.3 hands. I ride
him about 4 times a week. He eats 2 pounds of
Manna's Classic 10 pellets with up to 4 flakes of
hay, depending on the temperature, and 2 pounds
in the morning with 2 flakes. Is that enough? My
sister thinks he needs more?? He is in good
condition now. You can't see his ribs when you
look at him, but if you feel for them on his
sides they are easy to feel. They are at a barn
now where they have to stay in 12 x 12 ft stalls
from about 6- 7pm to about 11 am.  I wish we
could leave them out in the pasture, but they
make all the horses stay in for that amount of
time so the horses wont kill all the grass. The
rest of the day they are out in a large pasture
with plenty of grass.

I'd really like to know any advice or what you
think about this. I dont want to over feed my
sister's horse, and I definitely dont want to
under feed my horse. Thanks for any help.

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