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TENS units & suspensory ligaments

 carla lawson
I personally have a tens unit that my husband and I have used for many
years for our backs and bits and pieces that seem to be falling apart.
I love mine, I have worn it for as long as 8 hours when I had to do long
standing work with no time to get off the feet.
It really helps with pain therapy with out taking drugs. I am not sure but
seems to me that It would help since it does increase the blood supply to
an affected area by basically aggrevating the snot out of it. Good blood
or increase blood suppy to an area helps the healing process. I emailed
Tom a while back about a Hungarian Horse we were trying to aquire we got
Out bid and he sent me some very usefull information. But the trouble is..
You have to really stay on top of a Suspensory Ligament injury and have
the ultra sounds to be sure there is no tear. Xrays will not show the
whole kit and kabootle. You have to look inside at the leg. Look at it
this way.. its a great $35-75 to spend for insurance that your horse is
ready to continue with out possibility of reinjury. Yet more valuable info
I learned from RC. If you really can't afford the Tens units Check with
someone that may be able to let you rent one. Perhaps a local vet?
Carla (whaa I wanna go home I miss my kids!!!)
Ansata (Mom has left us...she has runned away!)
Haley (Well she did leave us with this nice roll of hay to munch)
Rob (I am going to clean the truck.. =0)  )

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