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Re: RC: Re: Re: Listen to Your Horse

In a message dated 12/23/01 5:28:27 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

I think horses can have bad days, too just like we can.  We really need to tune in to ourselves and our horses more.

This is very true. I have on several occasions gone out, saddled up, gotten bad vibes, and put the horse away. The one time I went against my better judgement I ended up with three broken ribs. I was warming my horse up before my dressage instructor arrived and I could tell he was "evil" that afternoon. There was a forest fire in the vicinity and the water dropping helicopter was zooming back and forth over my house which made matters worse. My instructor came, we went on with the lesson, and I told her he was very explosive but she said he looked great and I should stop being a worry wart. Minutes before we were to be done, he just exploded and bolted off the rail to the left, then zigged to the right in order to keep from  running my instuctor over. It was the zig that caught me and I was glad to find it was only broken ribs and not my pelvis that hurt like the devil. If I hadn't been urged to continue riding, I would have worked him over some cavaletti and then called it quits before the accident. So, listen to your horse.

So. Calif.

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