Check it Out!
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Hello everyone,
I just printed the mailing labels to send my flyers out to the people on 
my mailing list. While putting labels on envelopes, I noticed that some 
names are missing of people whom I know came to my ride last year. I 
thought I had entered everyone's names. My computer did catch a virus a 
few months ago. It is possible that when the virus was removed, some of 
my mailing list went with it. SO... IF you do not get a flyer from me in 
the next week or so please contact me. I am putting stamps and labels on 
the already stuffed envelopes today, so they will go in Thursday's mail. 
I do have a fax machine, so if you want I could fax a flyer to you if 
yours fails to come in the mail.

Base camp will be in a different location. We will still have the same 
trails, and The Fairfield County Rescue Squad will be there. Food will 
be different because our "chef" has another comittment. Everyone will 
need to bring water for people. There will be water for horses. The 
finish line will not be "uphill" like it has been, on the dirt road. 
 All vet checks will be in camp, because we will have the same four loops.
Every one who can, please come. We want to send even more money to St. 
Jude's. I know last year was cold and wet and miserable, but in years 
past the weather has been good. I am praying that the weather will be 
good this time.

    Check it Out!    

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