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Re: RC: barefoot process question

> There is a guy at my ranch who read Strasser's book
> on barefoot horses

I had an acquaintance once, highlighted some passages in the bible, ignored
the rest. Took his wife with 5 kids and one on the way to a trailer in a
REMOTE area, no running water, no electricity, no access to food, no help,
no transportation. Left her and the kids there alone for weeks at a time.
She had the baby there alone. Did the bible tell him this was okay? NO! Did
he think the bible told him it was okay? Yes. Sad.

This guy has obviously focused in on a couple of Strasser's idea's and
failed to or decided to disregard the whole concept. Can't blame Strasser
for her methods being misapplied, any more than we can blame John Lyons if
someone (who thinks they understand) chases their horse around in a round
pen till it collapses.


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