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Owyhee Canyonlands 5-day

The Owyhee Canyonlands 5-day is approved and sanctioned. It's a go! October

I've started a webpage -

We're already exploring new trail :) The last day (Oct 26) will be the same
as it was this year, including a 30 mile ride and trail ride and Halloween
costume contest. We won't do the 80 mile distance because I want to throw a
big party Saturday night and don't want to have riders still out on the
trail. All the other days will be 50 mile loops or 50 miles point-to-point.
(shuttle riders to starting point and ride back to base camp). All nights at
our ranch - basecamp. We'll provide dinners, Idaho-gourmet style, to all
riders, and make them available at cost to non-riders. I'll update the web
page this winter as we figure out where each day's trail will go. Tons of


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