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injury of front suspensory ligament (help)

carla lawson
I am looking at a horse that has a right front suspensory ligament injury.
He is a Hanovarian stallion. was doing upper level dressage and jumping.
He will be a gift to me from a very good friend. Who wants basically a
home where he can do light dressage or trail. perhaps some breeding. He is
being aquired from a insurance claim. The friend says rather than the
company putting him to sleep they are willing to pass him along for a
small processing fee.
My intentions were to put him on a years rest regardless if he was able to
come back sooner. However I am willing to put forth long term care and I
am able to do so. Before I go into further details here is what I do know
for a fact as I was enlightened today about this horse.
The Lateral Branch of the right front suspesory ligament has enlargment or
thickening clinically. Ultra sound exams confirmed the enlargement and
fiber pattern of the mid portion. Based on the history, clinical findings
and ultra sound exams the stallions prognosis for returning to significant
activity over fences is very unlikely.
He was doing upper level dressage and jumping.
On May 4th 2001 he was dianosed with a front suspensory tear in the
lateral branch. he recieved treatment with anti inflamatory drugs, rest,
and Extracorporeal Shock wave therapy.
here is how the rest of the billing was listed. I am looking at vet bills
May 4th
Exam Lameness
P.D. Block-Right
Abaxial Block Right front
Low Palmar Block R
X ray Fetlock rh5 View
May 6th
ultra sound
HA/vetalog fetlock RF
Ultra Sound
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy $250.
Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy $250
same as 7-15
was just ultra sound
ultra sound and Exam

I have a few questions that I hope can be answered from the outside
looking in. Has anyone had a case similar to this? what kind of long term
care is involved? Is there any thread of hope that he will return to
pasture and enjoy a few more years with some pasture mates to play with?
what kind of future does he hold before there maybe a breakdown and he may
have to be put down. I would apprecaite all input. I would like to have
this guy here with a nice home. If he can do some low level dressage,
breeding, or trails I will be very happy. If all he will be is a pasture
ornament.... I am sure he will be a great counselor for me when I need a
Carla (anxious to give a home to great horse)
Ansata (oh someone to play with!)
Haley (crap I have to share my food now)
Rob (yet another mouth to feed)

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