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Re: Training to Pee on Command

Have you tried taking some of the soiled bedding (with pee on it) and making
a new 'spot' with it somewhere other than the two unacceptable spots?

Two of my horses prefer to urinate and defecate in the same spot in their
separate paddocks and they sniff around to make sure they're on target
before they let go (one prefers to urinate in one spot and defecate in
another and the other does both in the same spot).

I should think if you made a spot, and then tied him loosely there or kept
leading him back there you could get him to use it.

Just a suggestion. . .

BTW, I have chickens and the chickens attack the horse poop the moment it
hits the ground, so the spots are not tall and fairly well spread out.  Some
of the chickens follow the non-target horses, others hang out by the two
poop spots.  Weird!  Chickens; nature's manure spreaders!

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