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Re: RC: Fw: Annual Meeting/BOD List

It's nice to get together and talk face to face, but in order to be really 
effective this type of discussion needs to be held BEFORE the board sit's 
down for it's final discussion and votes on the issues. Otherwise we'll 
continue to see things passed and then have to be revised & revoted. Before 
the advent of the internet there was no practical way to get info out to the 
membership and get interaction back in advance.
I am intrigued by the idea Linda presented about motions going out on a list 
to the membership with a time for discussion. This should indeed
be seperate from the directors only list.

Nancy Mitts

>From: "Barbara McCrary" <>
>To: "Jim Holland" <>
>Subject: RC:  Fw: Annual Meeting/BOD List
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 08:51:25 -0800
>Jim, I'm forwarding a post I sent already.  I think it will explain a good
>deal.  Round tables would be satisfying venues, but they are VERY
>time-consuming.  As long as the convention is only for two days, there is
>not enough time to include a round table with the membership.  We have
>talked for years about making the convention a three-day event.  I'm not
>sure why this hasn't happened, but it must certainly have to do with
>members' work schedules or available time.  I personally would love a round
>table, as I like to hear all sides of issues.
>Barbara McCrary
>West region director
>Chair-Rules Committee

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