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RE: NC ride
Pat Farmer wrote:
<<<In any case, at a minimum we need to clarify the roles and
relationships. >>>
Bob Morris wrote:
Sorry to disagree but at a minimum we need more of the membership to take an
interest in the procedures of the AERC Board and to attend the Annual
Meeting (no, not the convention but the Annual Meeting) and express exactly
what they want to see the BoD accomplish. If you don't attend the Annual
meeting or have a continuous dialog with your Regional Directors and the
Directors-at-Large then you do not have reason to query what happens.
Pat was writing about the role of the AERC and its relationship to the NCR.
Pat has pointed out the same deficiency in communcation that I observed.
This is very specific and it seems to me like it could be hammered out
almost contractually. You've made a tangetial leap to generalities and a
whole 'nuther wider issue.
But since you brought it up, when and where is that annual meeting held so
we can all make our plans to go?
Deanna (NE reg.)
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