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Re: RC: Vosal Question

I use a vosal most of the time, especially in winter if I forget to bring my 
bit into the house overnight (too cold to put in his mouth). My experience 
has been that if you have a high headed horse that has a tendency to rear, 
don't use it. Or at least start out with it loosly adjusted and have quiet, 
soft hands. I rode Tevis from Robinson Flats to Auburn in my vosal and it was 
perfect. From Squaw Valley to Robinson I used my Kimberwick bit. I felt it 
was kinder and safer on an excited horse. After 35 miles he settled down and 
the vosal was perfect.

If it is adjusted too loosely, it will be ineffective. If too tight, it can 
cause some horses to get fussy and if you are heavy handed you could really 
hurt your horse. I adjust mine so that the "V" under the jaw is just loose 
enough that when the reins are pulled back slightly (approx. 45 degrees) the 
"V" makes contact with the jaw. When I stop to let him eat, I loosen the chin 
strap so that he can chew freely.

Just like any other piece of tack... what works for one horse will not 
necessarily be OK on another.

So. Calif.

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