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Gauteng 100 Miler Live on the Internet

Hi Ridecampers!

I'm taking the liberty of posting this to y'all over yonder.  Hope you can see some of our lovely ride.


Big Brother will be watching you at the Gauteng 100 miler!

We are very exited to announce that live, 24hr streaming of the events at
the Gauteng 100 miler will this year be available over the internet.

The Rhino and Lion park will zoom their live web cams on to our activities.
One web cam will be strategically placed on the course, while another will
be positioned at the start/finish.

We therefore advise you to notify all your friends and family to log on to
the Rhino and Lion website so they may be able to see you compete at the

All those members who have invited international riders should especially
use this opportunity. Just remember to tell your overseas friends about the
time differences from the USA, Australia and New Zealand!

Rhino and Lion park website: 

I recommend you log in already to view what is in store for you at the
Gauteng 100 miler!

    Check it Out!    

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