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Re: source of sleigh bells

Walmart sells some inexpensive ones at Christmas time.  We used them last year.  OR one can find an Amish buggy place and pay a LOT of money for some very nice sounding ones. 
----- Original Message -----
From: Seamstob
To: ridecamp
Cc: Jim Holland ; Dolores Arste
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 5:40 PM
Subject: RC: source of sleigh bells

I did some research and found a supplier for sleigh bells.
Small brass sleigh bells are about $7.50 US each or about $12.50 Canadian. This is for the bells only.
They can then be riveted to biothane  of your color choice and number of bells you would like. I think 3 or 4 would be plenty . I remember the sleigh from when I was a kid and they are loud but nice.
About $30US plus shipping would make a set of 3 with strap. Snap or buckle included.
I talked to the harness maker and he said he would be happy to make them up if someone wants a set.
Email me privately to not clog the list if you want more information or to order.
Paddi Sprecher
Canadian Trail House
manufacturer and retailer of fine biothane tack
Devon  Alberta

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