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Re: Re: Re: sudan hay

> Susan...What would be the ideal or best you can do pasture grass...Cora

I don't think there is an ideal, because what would grow like crazy in
Georgia probably won't grow well at all in Nebraska.  Rainfall, soil type,
number and type of animals grazing, etc, all make a difference.

IMO, the closest thing to nutritional magic you can get is natural rangland
like Bob Morris has in his backyard, hopefully with enough rainfall that it
isn't all dead and brown by summer.  Lots and lots of different varieties of
natural grasses and enough of it that it never gets overgrazed.

For the rest of us poor mere mortals that don't live in Bob's back yard <g>,
if you're thinking of seeding some land for pasture, then I'd contact a
local county extension agent.  They know what will grow in the area for the

Susan G

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