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Re: sand in beetpulp

----- Original Message -----
From: Anita Carlson
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 9:42 PM
Subject: RC: sand in beetpulp
for the past few months I"ve had a problem with sand in beet pulp.  don't notice it when it's dry, but when the horses finish their grain/soaked beet pulp mush there is quite a bit of sand left in the buckets.  (and yes, they are clean buckets when I dump it in)
has anyone else had this happen?
I"ve been sifting the dry beet pulp thru a strainer but it dosn't help much.
Anita Carlson
SE region
That's sand?  I didn't think it was.  I thought it was some kind of leftover sugar byproduct that looked like sand.  Hmmmmm, Susan, what's up with this?  Is this another thing to worry about?
Well, Anita, I've been getting this at the bottom of my beet pulp buckets from day one.  About three or four tablespoons from each feeding.  I don't know why, but for some reason, I just assumed it wasn't sand.  Tomorrow I'm taking a taste, just to be sure.
Howard (now I understand why "Dumb and Dumber" is my favorite movie)

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