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Ag Stations

Yes, it's true. I pulled into an ag station and Bubba proceeded to question the color of my horse. He said "This here hoss is whyet. Yourn paper ses hee's suppose ta be gray." What could I say that he would possibly understand? After that incident I called our state ag commissioner (Florida)and they informed me that the guys who work at the ag stations are very well informed and educated about livestock. Huh?? Oh, and horses, too. Matter of fact, I was advised they study colors and markings of horses so they can read the coggins.
My hay man didn't even know there was such a thing as weed free hay, but he also thinks that horses need stemmy, sticky old hay. At least that is what he always tries to sell to me as PREMIUM HAY. But why is that such a surprise? Just because you are in the horse business, doesn't mean you have to know a damn thing about horses. Horse people can be so entertaining. Lisa Salas, the ODD Farm

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