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Nina Vasiliev

We took a horse to try out for three weeks.
  The owner and I decided on a fair date to return the horse if
 I didn't want to purchase it. I knew that to take the horse I
would have to give her a check for the full sale amount.

Then she sat down at her computer and filled in the blanks to an
 agreement that she had used before.  How she had the document
 worded was that we bought the horse the day we took it off her
 property.  Yet, we could return it to her for a full refund if
 the horse was returned to her in healthy and uninjured
 condition on or before the date agreed upon.

Although I was surprised that the document said that the horse
 was purchased by us that first day, I thought that this was a
 fair way to handle things.  Why should she be liable if the
 horse injures someone while in my care? It made it very clear
 that while I had her horse, I was responsible for everything.

This is how I would handle things in the future if I ever sold a

Ramere and Traveller (One night at her house, a lifetime in her
 heart...Her SELL a horse? Oh sure...)

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