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racing LDs

I have seen 50 milers being just as rude and dangerous as the LDs,  but that
is not the question here.

In our region we have a mixture of timed LDs with placings and results by
the alphabet.   Same folks ride hard,  same ones ride according to the day
and the horse's fitness for the day.

We have no NATRC rides in or near, and I'm not sure that is an answer.  (I
have not done one for years, but the minimum time allowed is faster than I
have taken new horses on AERC  LDs)

As a ride manager I would certainly not want to do away with LDs.   Without
the LD entrys we could not afford to put on  AERC rides.  Without LDs many
of today's riders would never venture into endurance at all.  In fact our
best introductory tool has been a short "fun" ride (10-15 miles)  in
conjunction with sanctioned rides.

I agree 100% these few riders can impact all of us in many ways,  none good.
Disqualification for poor sportsmanship might work, but often no way to
document it.
Using a minimum time could be an answer, but I think this would need changes
in AERC rules. (?)

There have been some posts lately about the kinds of records used in other
countries to move from one distance to the next but I would hate to be bound
by these constraints.  Doubt they would work for most of us.

I'm sure others can come up with some new ideas.
Maybe we could all gang up on these rude folks with lectures on safety,
courtesy etc?  { ; > ))

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