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Longstreet/Joe Harris

For those of you who were at Longstreet.  I visited Joe today and he's
handling things well.  He goes back into surgery tomorrow for the
shoulder joint replacement.  He has 7 broken ribs on his left side where
the horse hit him, and the shattered shoulder joint was on the right side
so he's got a rough time ahead of him for awhile.  We talked about the
accident and as it turned out he never saw the horse that hit him. It was
really pitch black out with no moon and he saw the 2 grays but didn't see
the chestnut and that's the one that hit him.  I guess the moral is, ride
grays. :-P He asked a lot of questions, like "Did anyone have any trouble
with the markers" and such.  Was still really concerned that everyone
have a good ride.  I assured him that all had a good time. He never made
any negative comments about horses getting loose or anything.  I told him
I'd heard the owner (not even sure who she was myself) felt really awful.
 He said that's rediculous, things just happen and he doesn't want anyone
to feel guilty. If anyone wants to send him messages you can send them to
me and I'll relay them.

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