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AERC President


What about Steph?

She has been a Regional director for 3 years now.

She has competed on the local level in at least 5 different regions.

She has competed on the international level.

She has been a ride manager.

She has served on AERC committees.

She has successfully started up and managed an endurance related

I can think of no-one better aware of the myriad of issues facing
the organization, or with more experience across the entire spectrum
of what is going on in the AERC both across the nation and 

Orange County, Calif.

p.s.  In case you were wondering:

a) she did not ask me to say this, and
b) no, we don't agree about everything (at least I suspect we
don't), so I do not recommend her because I think she would best 
pursue my own personal agenda, but rather because I think she
has a pretty good grasp of what is going on throughout the 
AERC (certainly much better than I do :)).

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