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Aluminum Floor Responses

I want to thank all of you who responded to my questions.  Answers varied
as having drain holes or not.  Our trailer is aluminum on metal frame and
although we had been told about electrolosis (sp?) we were assured this
would not happen as metal was coated where the aluminum meets.  Our
trailer is 3 years old and manufacturer could not (or did not) give us a
reason.  The floor for all appearances was fine until you checked
underneath where the metal meets the aluminum.  It seems to be a general
consensus that shavings help to deter the urine so we will try that and
will also perhaps put the Rhino coating on (although it is expensive). 
If could be sure would deteriorate (if it is going to again) before
warranty runs out would do nothing at this time.  However, manufacturer
would not extend the warranty on the new floor.  Thanks again.  Carol
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