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Quick update on My Knightmare

After reading all of the posts in response to my questions about fear, I 
decided to ask my husband if he saw anything different about the time I 
mounted and Knightmare dumped me, and the three other times I mounted and she 
didn't.  He said I mounted really smoothly the three times she didn't dump 
me, but the time she did dump me, I was leaning forward as I mounted instead 
of straightening up as I swung my leg over.  I went out to play with 
Knightmare and tried putting a blanket up near her head.  She went ballistic! 
 AHA!  The trainer did not desensitize her to stuff around her head and 
apparently, my cruddy mounting technique put my head up near hers and alarmed 
her.  So, I just played with Knightmare and got her accustomed to me messing 
with her head and putting stuff near her head.  She was very sweet about it 
and after I was done, kept following me around asking for more attention.  
Big sigh.  The fear has lessened now that I know she didn't just dump me for 
no reason. 

Thanks to everyone for their empathy and good suggestions.  I am selling 
Knightmare, but do want to conquer my fears.  If anyone is interested in the 
Mazda Miata of horses -- small, quick and definitely not for just any rider 
-- please get in touch with me!


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