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Re: Response to blatant lies and slander....

Although RC is not the place to specifically debate this issue, I will leave it with the following facts:
1)  I have multiple witnesses, documentation, photographs, videos and emails from Ms. Wind supporting every last one of my statements beyond a shred of doubt.
2)  Among those emails were numerous statements from her personally admitting her responsibility, providing and promises to amend her "mistakes".
3)  When after many months, I requested that Ms. Wind actually fulfill those promises, she responded by filing for bankruptcy against myself and the many, many, many other endurance folk she also has collected money from without delivering the goods.  As this was an unsecured debt, she is able to have such debts discharged scot-free.
4)  As providing unquestionable evidence of truth is the ultimate defense against so-called "slander", I extend my continuing invitation to Ms Wind to settle this in open court.  So far, she has declined, but not after first transferring title of her three horses and all her other property to her husband's name.  I would *relish* the opportunity to pursue this matter in court.
5)  Dakota was brought to Stephanie, and more than a year's worth of training paid in advance, solely because I felt sorry for the personal financial problems of someone I considered a friend.  Learned my lesson the hard way.  I'm not the only person in the endurance community to have fallen for the song-and-dance, but hope I will be among the last.
Anybody who has spent time with either/both of us knows who has a history of integrity and ethical behavior, and who does not.  I find this entire matter distasteful beyond belief and refuse to discuss the details of this matters in future, except in court, which I would bet my bottom dollar Ms Wind will avoid as if her life depended upon it.
Anybody with (real) horse experience, I would still look forward to continuing the discussion on solving Dakota's problems.
Susan Garlinghouse

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