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Health Care Insurance Discrimination(source-of-injury restrictions)

Sue Keith
New Federal Rules Legalize Health Insurance Discrimination. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Of 1996 (HIPAA). Public Law 104-191. The new regulations were released to the public January 9th 2001. The new regulations could have very bad impact on horseback riding. There is public comment on these new regultions until April 9th 2001. The regulation that we need to be concern with is the source-of-injury restrictions. It says benefits for a particlar injury can,in some cases, be excluded based on the source of an injury. Recreational activities like horseback riding, sking, ATV riding,mortorcyling and other similar activities. This is a very serious issue for all horse related actitives. These rules open the door to the elimination of health coverage for all types of legal recreational activities. There is time to fix this,but time is running out fast. Our rights are being volated!! Respond to this serious issue ASAP.Pass the word on, this effects everyone involved in all recreational activities, so pass this on to everyone you meet. The three agencies to make comments to are the Internal Revenue Service CC;M&SP:RU(REG-109707-97)room 5226 PO Box 7604 Ben Franklin Station Washington,DC 20044 email    U.S.Department of Labor Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Attn:Non- Discrimination Comments 200 Constitution Ave. NW Room C-5331 Washington, DC 20210 Email:     Health Care Financing Administration Department of Health and Human Services Attn:HCFA-2022-IFC PO Box 26688 Baltimore, Md 21207  Comments made by mail should include a signed original and threecopies. E-mail comments do not require multiple copies.  Also the three agencies will be sharing all the comments with each other. If any one would like to talk to me more about this issue please free to e-mail me. I have the Federal Register of Regulations to read from.

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