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RE: West Nile

Keep your horses healthy and not overworked. Most of our horses and people test positive. It's a problem for the old and weak.

Maryanne Stroud Gabbani
Cairo, Egypt

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:16 AM
Subject: RC: West Nile

Well, as of yesterday we already had a number of mosquitos sucking on the
horses. I don't have a "real barn" that I can screen in, just 2 run in sheds.
And I can't find a repellant that really works - last year I used OFF and
Cutter. There were a few cases in the state last year and the "sentinal
chickens" in our county tested positive, although there were no actual
illnesses, people or animal.

                           Shelly in DE

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