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Debbie Ekhaml
Hi Ridecampers, Just got home from Warners and boy, what a
fabulous ride!  The weather could not have been ordered any
more perfect, very few pulls, GREAT completion awards (embroidered sweat shirts)delicious dinner at the Resort, hot
showers, and the famous mineral hot springs.  Terry Howe put
on her usual "Hilton ride" as one of the Vets called it. 
The photgrapher, Steve Bradley, who came all the way from 
Idaho (his wife did the ride) took exceptional pictures of all
the riders.  All 4 vets were wonderful, headed up by Barney Fleming.  The trail is beautiful, and I dare say this is the best ride of the year in AERC.  Terry had her usual continental
breakfast and lunch provided, gatorade, water, homebaked cookies,
sliced fruits, donut holes etc. provided at Vet Checks AND out 
on the trail.  You didn't have to even walk over and get them, 
her top notch volunteers would walk around and offer them to you.
They also held horses so riders could do their EDPP (eating, 
drinking, peeing, pooping).  We here in the Pacific Southwest
are truly spoiled.  I don't remember all the results, but Kim Abbott won the 50, with BC going to Dabney Finch.  Lisa Schneider
was 1st in the 25.  69 started the LD with 61 finishing, 58 started the 50, with 54 finishing.  There is a reason this
ride was full in only 10 days!  Thanks to Terry for a GREAT

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