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Lameness, Convention, and a Favor

Hi Folks,

With Convention just a few days away I've been really excited and getting
things all set around here so that I can enjoy the trip.  So, this morning
when I go out to feed the hoofed monsters I'm surpised when the Baby and
the Old Girl meet me at the gate, but the Big Man just stands out in the
pasture looking at me.  "That's strange.  Wonder what's wrong with him?"  I
call him, and he starts walking to me.  There's my answer immediately. 
Everytime his right fore touched the ground his head jerked up so hard and
fast it looked like some crazy dance.  I holler at him to stop (which he
does, Good Boy) and scoot myself over there.  "What in the Hell is making
him limp like that?"  Answer #2.  Gee, you don't think it could be that big
old rusty nail the size of a railroad spike that he's got sticking out of
the bottom of his hoof.  

I really thought I was going to faint for a moment.  One of my best friends
is a vet. and I help her when ever I can, so I see all kinds of horses with
awful maladies.  One of the worst was a horse who got a nail in its hoof
which abcessed, etc. etc.  So, now I am ready to flip out which is another
troubling matter for me as well  (me, the cop........crazy people with guns
& knives, dopers & dirtbags........they don't bother me, but my horse with
a nail in its hoof has sent me into a tailspin).  Yikes!!  Howard, I need a

Anyway, once I got my pasture legs back under me, I got the nail out and
got a call in to the vet.  Out she came and after the treatments were done
and instructions given I felt alot better.  Just gotta keep the treatments
going for 7--10 days.

7-10 days???  Dang, I guess no Convention for me.  I was really looking
forward to going.  No speakers, no awards ceremony, no trade show.  Dang, I
don't even get to buy some new "horse stuff" at the trade show or check out
the other organizations that are gonna be there (i.e. ride & tie, etc.)

Herein lies the favor.  Would anyone who is going to Convention be willing
to carry around a bag and fill it up with flyers, ads, catalogs, business
cards, etc. from the trade show and then mail them to me???   I will send
$$$ for postage and your time (I'll send it, even before convention).  I'm
just really disappointed about not getting to go and maybe I can learn a
little more by getting info. from the ads & flyers.  

Anyone willing to help me out, please e-mail me privately.  Thanks in
advance and those of you that are going...........have a great time for me
too.......I'll be doing hot soaks in the barn.

Abigail Madden & Rosko & Tiger<<<Mom, my foot hurts, will you rub my leg
Corning, CA


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