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Re: Soaking beet pulp

> Can someone give me the approximate time for shredded beet pulp to fully
> soak up hot (but not boiling) water?  And a ratio of pulp to water that
> would result in most or all of the water being absorbed?

Cindy -
I use about 3 qts of beet pulp pellets to 3 gal. of (hot) water.  I usually
figure that it will take an hour to rehydrate.  It's mostly soaked up, and
the pellets are completely disintegrated by then.  There is some extra water
that you can still see if you stir the pulp around, but if you put in much
less water, the pellets on top don't seem to rehydrate as well.  I've also
used cold water, and it takes MUCH longer to rehydrate the pellets.  My
horses also seem to appreciate the warm, wet breakfast on cold winter

Kris Hazelbaker

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