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Re: RC: working heart rate

In a message dated 2/10/00 8:51:45 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

<< I've been following this thread with interest, but am curious why some 
 think the working heart rate should be the same for each horse. I used to 
 be an endurance athlete and I had my maximum heart rate tested (under 
 controlled conditions, pushed myself to the point where my heart rate 
 reached a plateau and then started creeping down in spite of my best 
 efforts, then my "working heart rate" was calculated based on that. My 
 maximum heart rate was 196, whereas my training partner's was 175 which 
 meant nothing regarding our comparative fitness; it was just an individual 
 difference. I'm not sure how you would go about determining a horse's 
 maximum heart rate, but I'm willing to bet it varies among individuals. 
 Maybe Tom has some insight on this...?
 Portland, OR >>

You're correct. That's the next thing to be able to sort out. those horses 
that can work at high revs vs those that really can't. Big mistake to assume 
that all horses should work at the same HR.


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