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Re: RC: Re: Tom Ivers

In a message dated 2/9/00 4:52:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< I agree with Heidi.  If his ego wouldnt get in the way
 (typical male)  I think I would even like him.  I was raised by an ornery
 old fart sort of like him.  He was extremely knowledgable and talented but
 most folks were a little afraid of him because of his tuff demeanor.  He did
 have a couple of soft spots tho as I'm sure Mr. Tivers does.
     gesa n clovis n skye >>

I certainly appreciate your psychoanalysis, Gesa, but do you have anything of 
substance to offer? I am a typical thinking human being and empty chatter 
annoys me. so, either get nasty or get smart--either way, we'll have a lot 
more fun.


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