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Re: RC: Re: Fw: RC: endurance prospect, etc.

In a message dated 2/6/00 5:40:59 PM Pacific Standard Time, 

<< I find this hard to believe.  I have never won a race.  I have won 4 BC's. 
 will probably never win a race.  I have over 8,000 miles, some in the top 
 and most not in the top ten.  You are certainly entitled to your opinion but 
 I find them condescending and sounding a little like sour grapes.  I crewed 
 for a friend for many years who has won over 100 races, including world 
 championship rides and heard many complaints like yours.  Well, the horse is 
 now 22 and has cleaner legs than a lot of the horses out there.  I have seen 
 his x-rays.  Of course, that is only my opinion which I am also entitled to. 

Another good point of note here, too, is that the horse in question is a 
household word, not because he won A RACE, but because he was able to run at 
the peak of the sport for MANY years and for MANY miles.  Those who can do so 
are the EXTRA special winners.  But if you stop to think about it, even the 
high mileage horses who DON'T win are household words in this sport, but the 
ones who win a few races and disappear are not.  If you can combine winning 
and a long career, more power to you!  But most endurance riders still value 
the long career over the short burst of glory.  There is nothing more 
gratifying to many of us than an old, high-mileage horse who is still sound 
and clean-legged.  That is a huge form of winning in its own right.


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