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FW: Re: FW: Wild Horses Debunked!

I'm really sorry that so many of you regard environmentalists as your
adversaries. I know there are plenty of environmentalists that are opposed
to horses in wild areas, but probably the second biggest reason I'm an
active environmentalist (and member of the Sierra Club) is that I want to
preserve as much undeveloped land as possible with an eye to being able to
ride on it.

I also strongly connect environmentalism with riding because the essence of
the riding experience is being with an animal in nature.

But back to the point: I think the biggest war right now affecting
trailriding is the one between development and open space, and I don't see
how a horseperson could side with anyone but the environmentalists on this
(unless they were a developer that kept horses, but I always saw them as
something like a Jewish Nazi).


Michael Sherrell
Grizzly Analytical (USA)
707 887 2919/fax 707 887 9834

From: 	Truman Prevatt, PhD[]
Reply To:
Sent: 	Tuesday, December 05, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: 	RC:    Re: FW: Wild Horses Debunked!

While I agree that maybe this is off topic, is that that far off topic? I am
not referring to cattle here. But we riders are going to come face to face
with the environmental movement more and more in the future. It doesn't
matter if it is saving wild horses that are starving to death because of the
lack of food an water in the wild to support them just to see them die from
hunger or thirst or if it is getting domestic horses out off of public lands
because they "introduce noxious weeds or destroy the water sheds."

This is a movement which we have to deal with. We can't do it with emotion
nor can we just will them to go away with the delete key.

There is a vast difference between conservation and the current
environmental movement. We all care for the public lands. The ranchers can't
destroy what keeps them making a living.  He must conserve them. Most all
endurance riders I know want to conserve the wild lands.

I am not sure the environmental movement is as much concerned about the
conservation of our lands as they are with their own political agenda. That
is the exact reason I gave up my membershipof 20 years in the Sierra Club
when I determined their exact view on horses and horse back riding some
number of years ago.

Truman wrote:

Would you please do something about this person and his posts
this is not endurance and should not be posted
Steph I went in the dog house about the pictures of the USS Cole just before
Vets Day
I know I have a delete key and have been using it but enough is enough

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