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Re: High fat diet

I feed a lot of oil to our horses and they are doing great.  I don't know
about washing out other vitamins...Susan would have to comment on that.  I
think Lew is probably referring to the advantage of a horse learning to burn
fat when takes a few weeks of exercise for a horse's body to
learn to burn fat as a fuel source.  You can't start feeding oil a week
before a ride and figure he'll be able to utilize it as a fuel source in a
week.  But over time, it does happen.  During periods of heavy conditioning
I have even fed up to 3 cups of oil a day...our stallion is finally settling
down and is putting on weight as he matures without so much oil but for
awhile it was a struggle to keep weight on him.  Anyway, your 1.3 cups (or
did you mean 1/3 cup?) is not going to harm your horse in any way.  If you
can find unrefined oil, it has even more vitamin E in it and doesn't go
rancid the way some fats can.  Our horses love the taste, too.

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