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barefoot endurance

<Darolyn wrote... its not for every horse...>
The above statement is what I was pointing out and what I try to remind everyone whenever they jump on a bandwagon.  This holds true for feeding, training, shoeing, trimming or whatever.  Every horse is an individual and what will work for one may not work for another.  I agree that barefoot IS best but it is not always practical.  Contrary to what folks might think, we recommend barefoot more often than shoeing.  Many farriers will simply do whatever the owner says and that can be nice if an owner knows what works best for their horse(s) but the novice often thinks that horses MUST be shod if they are to be ridden.  And these novices ride their horses about once or twice a week for a half hour!!!   Maggie (who started out with nothing and still has most of it left!)

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