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Sheepskin seat covers

Where do I find the full length sheepskin saddle covers -- the ones that go
all the way to the top of the stirrup.  Blaze's new saddle arrived and I'd
like to give it maximum protection...and spoil the rider a tad. <bg>  

The saddle, by the way, is a DeSoto by Marilyn Horstmyer.  It's gorgeous,
well made, and appears to fit Blaze's odd back very nicely.  I've watched
him move in the arena with a student riding him and he looks happy and
moves well -- appears to have a longer stride...which is great, since he's
the one I've complained about being short-strided.  Yay!  I'll be taking
him into the hills this week to give it it's real test.  It'll be fun to
feel him move out unconstricted.


Sue Brown
Tyee Farm
ARICP Certified Riding Instructor
Recreational Riding and Dressage
Marysville, Wa.

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