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Re: RC: cleaning the barn??

Thanks very much!!  I would really appreciate your help and your knowledge.
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
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Date: Friday, October 13, 2000 9:48 PM
Subject: Re: RC: cleaning the barn??

>I agree with Bette about wearing a mask.  Also wet cleanup (spraying
>everything done so there is no dust) is safer.  I work for a local Health
>Department in Environmental Health, our emphasis is on diseases people can
>get from animals.  Salmonella from fowl, also psittacosis (the one Bette
>talking about) usually not a problem in chickens.  Rabbits carry tularemia,
>but more likely in wild than domestic rabbits.  Another thing to be
>about is mice.  If you see mouse droppings, absolutely for sure use a mask
>and do wet cleanup.  A chlorine/water solution will only work if ALL
>matter (manure) has been removed.  It is a surface disinfectant only, will
>not penetrate through organic matter.  There are cleaners called quaternary
>ammonium compounds that are very good disinfectants, and will also kill the
>cause of psittacosis (chlamydia).  Read the instructions before using them.
>You might consider laying down lime before you spread the dirt, just
>horses will dig and wear down the dirt to the old level in places.   I'd
>to go through my files at work to come up with more specific info on
>potential problems housing horses in an ex-chicken and rabbit house.  If
>write back, I will try to look on Monday.  jeri

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