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Re: RC: Krill

Krill lamps are supposed to be a substitute for glow sticks.  They are
advertised as compact (5.125") & lightweight (3 o.), extremely rugged,
don't destroy night vision, waterproof to 150' and extremely cost
effective. Supposed to have up to a 90% savings over chemical (glow
stick) lighting.  A set of 2 AA batteries last over 120 hours on one of
their models..  The advantage would seem to be that they can be turned
off when not in use.  One of the products is 180 degrees with velcro on
the back.  I pulled up the information on them, but not certain how to
forward that to you.  When I printed it out there was a point of contact
e-mail address for Angel Varga....
Have been hoping to find someone who has actually used them for input on
how well they work.  May just have to order & find out for myself.

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