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Re: black arabians???

Dear Renee;
Yes, they are considered rare.  I understand that way back when, black was
considered bad luck in an arabian, so the blacks weren't kept.  Since color
is genetic, and blacks were wiped out for many generations in the gene pool,
they are still somewhat rare.
I have a friend who rode a black arabian in endurance.  She was frequently
asked if his color bothered him at all, holding in heat.  She always replied
that no, it didn't seem to...he'd been black his whole life, and she
supposed he was used to it!
-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Sunday, January 23, 2000 4:03 PM
Subject: RC: black arabians???

>I have yet another pointless question for all of you patient
>what is the big deal with black arabians.  How come when people say, "she
>a black arabian" , you are supposed to be all impressed.  I just don't get
>it.  The only thing that I can see any black horse doing is getting dirty,
>and covered in dust and turning brown for half of the year because of the
>sun.  don't get me wrong, I think black horses are BEAUTIFUL, and I
>mind having one, I just don't see the big deal...are black arabians so much
>better than a grey or chestnut arabian?  they are all pretty. Is it just
>because they are rare or something?
>-Renee (in need of enlightening, once again) thank you to all of you who
>time to answer my questions, no matter how pointless
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